Coco Chanel that maven of style and icon of fashion has been attributed some of my favourite sayings and quotes. So who better to turn to for application of wisdom and wit when it all starts happening…..
I can feel it in the piped Christmas carols and the slightly increased insanity on the roads, the greater difficulty in finding a parking spot. We are now officially in the lead up (or count down) to Christmas.
As the madness of Christmas crescendos and retailers gear up for the biggest trading time of the year it’s been a personal effort to continue to channel the essence of Coco and to stay on track and focused.
‘There is no time for cut-and-dried monotony. There is time for work. And time for love. That leaves no other time.’
Time is our most precious commodity and the thing we find ourselves constantly working to create more of (so that we can jam in more of life’s work – which might be those you love). Create some more time by dropping something that is non-essential or outsourcing something that you can.
Even if it’s the lawn mowing or treating yourself to that blow dry, anything that reduces the stress of the time poor right now is a blessing. Christmas shop online if you can or agree to do something fun and loving instead of stressing about gifts.
‘You live but once; you might as well be amusing.’
Or amused, don’t feel like you have to create a stand-up comedy routine but it’s a great time to book a show – go see some funny people and laugh out loud with some friends.
Do something that makes you smile!
“Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.”
Trying to keep it simple is an ongoing discipline and focus for many parts of life. In work it’s trying to keep process and software simple and no more complex than it needs to be. In family it’s trying to make more time for fun and less focus on chores, with health and wellbeing it’s all about just picking one goal and focusing on that.
To keep it simple it’s been very much about one idea or one word that can help to focus and keep me on track no matter what part of my life I’m in.
What do you do to stay sane and keep it simple at this time of year? We would love to hear! Pop your comments below and if these quotes resonated you can download them here, here and here feel free to share them on social media but make sure you use the hashtag #6rretail so we can see how they have inspired you.