Is it time for a price review?

Is it time for a price review?

The first week of a new financial year is a good time to look at the market and perform a competitive review of your pricing strategy. We’ve had a number of conversations recently with clients about price, so thought it would be worth sharing some starting points...
Technology can make life better

Technology can make life better

At 6R one of the most satisfying aspects of the work we do is to support making technology (and thereby life) work better for our clients. People, as a general rule are very industrious and we are constantly impressed and amazed at how people create workarounds to get...
Solving the tough problems for online shopping

Solving the tough problems for online shopping

Delightful! It has long been the thing that drives me nuts and I did wonder if some clever soul would invent a way to deliver to me at my coffee break but this is way better – it’s already in the car! Will it convince me to buy a Volvo though? Click...
Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing

With statistics showing that; economy-wide spending fell for the first time in 13 months in September.  Can you afford to miss any sales opportunities? No matter the size of your business, ensuring your customers have a seamless experience across all channels promotes...
Smaller Retailers can ride the online rise too

Smaller Retailers can ride the online rise too

Online retail sales are predicted to increase to $25 billion by 2015; if you are a smaller retailer how can you best maximise your sales and profit leading into the holiday season. Australian users are one of the highest users of social media world wide. For every...